Pure Storage PowerShell Toolkit released

Today I released the latest version of the Pure Storage PowerShell Toolkit to GitHub and the PowerShell Gallery. Version has added five (5) new cmdlets (bringing the total count to 32 cmdlets!), altered three (3) cmdlets to new naming (“FlashArray” is better than “Pfa” for several reasons IMO), and lastly one (1) cmdlet to use the proper verb (from “Show-” to “Get-“). All changes are in the CHANGELOG.md file in the GitHub repo.

  1. The five (5) new cmdlets are:
  • Get-WindowsDiagnosticInfo
  • Get-FlashArrayRASession
  • Get-FlashArrayQuickCapacityStats
  • New-FlashArrayPGroupVolumes
  • Get-FlashArrayVolumeGrowth

2. Show-FlashArrayPGroupsConfig changed to Get-FlashArrayPGroupsConfig

3. Get-PfaSerialNumbers to Get-FlashArraySerialNumbers, New-PfaDbSnapshot to New-FlashArrayDbSnapshot, and Invoke-PfaDbRefresh to Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh

Till the next release!

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