We released an updated version of the our SDK v1 this past weekend. It is primarily a maintenance release that includes these:
- Added DisableLoggingToArray to New-PfaArray and New-PfaCLICommand to disabled phone home logging to the array (and the associated thread) for this connection.
- Fixed resource consumption issue in a New-PfaCLICommand connection that could cause the number of threads in a process to continually increase.
To decrease network traffic between the array and node running PowerShell, I recommend setting the -DisableLoggingToArray to $true.
New-PfaArray -Array $array -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError -DisableLoggingToArray $true
You can install the update via the PowerShell Gallery with:
Install-Module -Name PureStoragePowerShellSDK
We also make an MSI available on Github – https://github.com/PureStorage-Connect/PowerShellSDK
Don’t forget to join the Pure Code Slack for more information on everything Pure APIs and SDKs – codeinvite.purestorage.com