Customizing the Citrix Web Interface 5.4

There are some very long threads on the Citrix forums, along with other blogs and articles, on how to customize the Web interface 5.4 interface. there are so many good ideas out there from folks that I wanted to combine them all into one post. I would thank them all by name, but there are too many and some I cannot remember. I got a lot of them via this forum posting and my thanks to all who contributed.

Web Interface is difficult to customize for the average I.T. folks. Citrix makes it that way, and I’m not sure why they do (or rather why their contracted web developers do), but it really is a pain and a struggle to get the pages they way you want. One Citrix SE asked me, “Why would you want to modify it? It’s great the way it is”. After I told him that he has drunk too much Citrite Kool-Aid, I reminded him that not all users in this world like to see “change”, especially change that makes them think they are not in the right place, doing the right things.

Here is a list of things you can do to make changes to the default out-of-the-box site that Citrix makes for you. It is in no way an extensive list, the best way to do things, or even supported by Citrix. Heck, it’ll probably be overwritten on the first patch you put in place in the WI. So use them at your own risk. ‘Nuff said.

A lot of things on the layout of the pages can be removed or modified by editing file. This is basically a CSS style sheet for all the pointers in the aspx and javascript files that make up the whole HTML page. By adding a line to a particular section you want to not show on the page, you simply add “display: none;” at the bottom. There’s also the subject of images. Some important things to keep in mind when replacing images is that 1) Always make a backup, and 2) Always try to keep the image the same size and type as the one you are replacing. Most images in 5.4 now come as two flavors, .PNG and .GIF, so you will need to replace both for High and Low graphics. The sites Webinterface.conf file is another place to look to enable or disable features manually (which I advise against), or to add custom text to the custom Content that you can add via the GUI (i.e. Logon text, footer text, etc.). The biggest reason I use this is since I want to add a URL to the footer of all my screens, but if you add it via the GUI, it doesn’t format right. One very important thing to keep in mind about the Webinterface.conf file – anytime you open a site in the GUI, it modifies that file, so if you made manual edits, they may be gone after. Always check for certain. Edits:

**Remove CTX tagline – only use if not changing tagline text. Otherwise, see “Change CTX Default Tagline Text” below.

#hor1izonTagline {

color: #F2F2F2;

font-size: 180%;

font-weight: normal;

margin: 50px 0 0 0;

padding-bottom: 10px;

text-align: center;

display: none;


** Remove all footer images and text (this includes the HDX and Citrix logos, and also any Footer text you may have specified in the Web Site Appearance Wizard)

#footer img


padding: 0 8px;

vertical-align: middle;

display: none;



.horizonPage #hdxLogo {

display: inline;

display: none;


.horizonPage #footer p {

color: #F2F2F2;

display: none;



**Change SysMessage text size and bold



width: <%=wiContext.getString(“PageWidth”)%>;

margin: 0 auto;

padding-top: 8px;

font-size: 12px;

    font-weight: bold;



// The width is set shorter than the background width


#sysMessage p


text-align: left;

padding: 10px 0;

font-size: 14px;

    font-weight: bold;


**Change Tagline to smaller font

#horizonTagline {

color: #F2F2F2;

font-size: 120%;

font-weight: normal;

margin: 50px 0 0 0;

padding-bottom: 10px;

text-align: center;


Graphics Changes:

**Replace CTX XenApp top logo with YourLogo.png

  • replace mediaCitrixXenApp.png
  • replace mediaCitrixXenAppLoggedoff.png

**Remove computer screens graphic

  • rename mediaDevices.png to Devices_orig.png
  • rename mediaDevices.gif to Devices_orig.gif
  • rename mediaDevicesLoggedoff.gif to DevicesLoggedoff_orig.gif
  • rename mediaDevicesLoggedoff.png to DevicesLoggedoff_orig.png

Misc. Changes:

**Change CTX default tagline text

  • copy program gilescitrixweb to inetpubwwwrootcitrix<site name>languages.
  • Edit file:
    • #HorizonTagline=Your Windows desktops and apps on demand – from any PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet.
    • HorizonTagline=<Whatever you want here>

**Add logo to Login box (Thanks Jon Woods!)
<% // LoginType set to Explicit, but only if it is allowed
if (viewControl.getExplicitDisabled()) {
<% } else { %>
<% } %>
<% // added table row and cell for logo %>
<tr><td rowspan=”6″ valign=”Top” align=”left”><img src=”../media/Your Logo Filename Here.png” alt=””></td></tr>
<% // end table row and cell for logo %>
if (viewControl.getShowLoginTypeOptions()) {

**Add the desktop Viewer (Drop-down toolbar) to Virtual Desktops (Be careful, this has been known to mess with Dual Displays):

In the sites webinterface.conf file, add line – “ShowDesktopViewer=On”

**Override the styles:

read the posting on this forum string from “efontan512″. Really good stuff.

**Add logo to top left:
<div id=”headerWrapper”>
<div id=”header”>
<table id=”headerLeft” cellspacing=”0″>
<div id=”headerWrapper”>
<div id=”header”>
<table id=”headerLeft” cellspacing=”0″>
<img id=”headerLogo” src=”../media/AtosLogoHeader.png” alt=”Seiten-Header” title=””&gt;

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