I created a video that outlines the use of the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK version 1 and version 2 in two different scenarios –
- within the same PowerShell 5.x session
- side-by-side with PowerShell 7.x with Windows or Linux
Why would you want to run both? Because the SDK v2 is still not at parity with the 2.x APIs for the FlashArray so it does not contain all of the functionality of the v1 APIs. At least not yet. The next release will bring full parity with the API version 2.4 with complete functionaility.
Until those bits hit the repo, you can run v1 and v2 in the same PoSH session, as long as it is PoSH 5.x. This is due to the fact that v1 was written with .NET Framework and v2 is written with C# and .NET Core. This also means that v1 will not work (yet) in PoSH 7.x versions. Bring Linux into the mix,which only runs PoSH 7.x, then you have to run the SDKs side-by-side.
I know, a bit confusing, but it will be more clear moving forward to the next version. For now, enjoy the video!